

Red Seal

Business roundtable Meetings

Quarterly meetings-next one April 2024

Do you want to grow your business?

Are you putting God first in the planning of your business and yearly projections? This business gathering will not only give you more insights from top business owners in the San Diego area, but will inspire you through the time of networking and prayer with other business owners like yourself wanting to be more successful for 2023!

This is our first Red seal business owners gathering. This will be a great meeting to not only hear from others that have grown their businesses, but to pray and prophecy over each other will be so encouraging. There is something contagious about getting around hungry believers that want to see God move in their city, but also want to see God move in the marketplace arena. We will strategize and learn more of what God is saying for us to do in this new year!

Some details about the meeting and what to expect:

When you arrive you will be greeted and directed to your tables. We will open in some prayer and enjoy our breakfast with new friends and time of networking. Then, we will open up some discussion over breakfast. After breakfast we will invite our keynote speaker to share. We will close with our team releasing prophetic words and ministry for anyone in need.

Join our next Business Roundtable!