Worship and prayer home groups

Our strategic disciple groups are intended for you to grow in your true identity in Christ within a small group setting. Sitting around the table is the best atmosphere for us to celebrate one another. We have found that beautiful things happen as we share a meal and simply enjoy one another with no agenda. From a place of relationship, we can learn how Jesus did things and His model for us to operate. The key element within this learning experiences is love. We can love better when we know more about a person. This is a great opportunity for us to love one another and also learn through humility and a refreshing way to be family as the body of Christ. From this space, we can ignite the church in their destiny and send people out to do the work of the ministry.

As we fellowship together and read the word in a small group atmosphere bring a life changing communities to progress any believer. Various groups are located throughout San Diego County. Find the nearest one to you and become a part of a thriving community that can bless your life!

We firmly believe coming together in communion to pray, read the Word, and worship in small group environments, bring us closer to one another. Fellowship brings lasting relationships that cause us to grow stronger in our walk with God.

We also believe that these groups all over San Diego will change the atmosphere of our city. Each group has the opportunity of affecting their neighborhood. The purpose is also to invite those from your neighborhood into these groups and influence the culture of your region.

Start a burning tavern in your home or join one near you!

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Burning Tavern